Friday, December 13, 2013


Today was the day we finally presented our Lego Bubble Machine. We all got there an hour or so early, and took a short breather in Olney. It was soon going to go down, but we took the time to relax and keep our minds off this project after such a hard jobs' work the night before. Then, being almost 12, it was time to go!

We headed down to Cumnock Hall to find a station to set up our project, and when we got there we took a quick observation look at our peers' projects. Everyone's ideas were amazing and unique, whether they were functional or not. Regaining focus on our own project, we started to setup the mechanism for display and readied ourselves to "sell." The setup was perfect, and the mechanism was ready to go. Then, our first problem arised. The "hacked" deodorant can that held our bubble solution was becoming really unstable, and became unaligned in regards to the bubble wand's position. This was followed by a more devastating problem where our solder came undone on our servo.
We tried to come up with a quick resolution to this problem, and used some type of adhesive to keep the servo intact with its wires. It worked again! Then, ANOTHER problem came upon us where our power supply started juicing out battery acid. This is when we called it quits. With multiple of visitors wondering why our mechanism didn't work, we explained our situation and they understood. They still thought it was a creative design, and a fun one, too. Luckily, we had a video of the mechanism working and they enjoyed the brief recording of bubbles blowing. 

Having an unsuccessful project presentation, we still enjoyed the "expo" and its atompshere of exploding enthusiasm. The experience was one that needs a repitition. Aside from the expo, the project itself was a great learning experience. It ranged from the use of Arduino as an essential source of a project to licking a battery to check if it still had some juice left. Everyone in the group definitely learned something new. We were happy with the result that our project did work at one point. Kudos, guys! 

Everyone contributed to the project. Christopher Riccio was the man with alacrity. He took the project design into his own hands, and built a lego landscape to place the mechanism on. This was not the only contribution to the project, though. He also connected a servo to the design to give mobility to the bubble wand, and came up with many fantastic ideas to get this mechanism to stay structurally stable. Ducktape was his friend, but in the end he came to abandon this friendship for Plastic Bonder. Alongside his enthusiasm for this project, he was also generous enough to give us a place during the long weekend to work on our project.

Mike Law would not give up! And that was not a bad trait. Without him, there would be no moving, dipping, blowing of the wand. He took the initiative to do ALL of the code. He was not selfless about it, either. He was opened to us and explained what each part of the code did when we asked. Aside from the code, he "hacked" his deodorant can and made a LIFT for the bubble solution. There was no end to his determination to get this project done and working. Mike was also the supply man. His favorite line was, "I just found some stuff in my basement!" With these "stuff" in his basement, we were able to be resourceful with the project. 

Irini Billiri was supportive about everything during this project. She was opened to all the ideas that came across, and contributed her owns, too. She was the contriver of the group, keeping us on track and confirming the time of when our next meetings should be held. Regarding the project itself, she designed the bubble wand using SolidWorks and the team flag with Mirv the Slug as our mascot. She took part in repairing the project the night before it was going to be presented, writing some of the blogs to keep our viewers updated with our progress, and lended us the SWE room to work in peace on this project. Irini endlessly contributed to this project, and even wrote the end paper.

Virath Chea was quiet, observative and spoke when he had an idea. He took the time to see what was happening with this project. He pointed out structural ideas, such as the use of the legos to hold the fan and the deodorant can.  Also, he pointed out flaws and what actions could be taken to make improvements. He took this project as a learning experience, and took interest in everything that was happening. He also did some of the blogging. 

Thank you for following us with our endeavors in this project! 

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