Thursday, November 28, 2013

Modified Code

         Today I worked on the code that I uploaded yesterday.  There are still a few things that I would like to fix such as not allowing the user to press the same button sequentially.   I would like to add this feature because I don't want the carriage to be told to move in a direction when it's already at the edge.  Otherwise the carriage will be pushing against the wall.  
          The code I wrote today is the following:

Here is a video of the code working.  At the beginning i'm showing that the servo is attached to pin 6 and I lay the deodorant stick down and press the buttons.  This is what the cold will be doing to the carriage the only difference is that the carriage is on a track and will go straight.   The second part of the video is me showing the servo is attached to pin 9 and how using a potentiometer one can raise and lower the cup.

-Mike Law                                                                                                                                

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